• What does the Bible say about church growth?

    The Bible teaches that the Church (note the capital “C” in Church), the Body of Christ, formed into local churches is called to reach and disciple the lost. Matthew 28:18-20 says, “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’” Until every person knows Jesus we will always find a way to make room for more. Building for Generations is a journey that will make room in our hearts, and our church for the people God desires to add to His family.

  • What is Building for Generations?

    Building for Generations is about stepping out of our comfort zone and into God’s purposes that extend beyond ourselves! It is a three-year generosity campaign that enables us to accomplish the vision God has given us for Victory Church. The campaign is a call to prayer, spiritual renewal, and discipleship in generosity. Our goal is to raise our level of personal commitment and dedication in order to advance into our next season of ministry according to God’s call and direction. We believe that we will continue to grow as a church family as we yield our time, talent, and treasure to God and His work.

  • What is the purpose of the Building for Generations Campaign?

    If you’ve been around Victory for any length of time, you can see that we are quite literally bursting at the seams! That means that the purpose and mission that God planted in our hearts is flourishing - we are connecting people with Christ, Family and Purpose! We are seeing lives transformed and discipleship take place week after week! We have faithfully squeezed every ounce of purpose and functionality out of our current building. We have transformed closets into workspaces and storage spaces into classrooms. We regularly have over 100 kids participate in our children’s ministry classes each Sunday morning. Have you seen our classrooms? Just ask our kids ministry volunteers when they think we might need a bigger building and they will tell you, “YESTERDAY!” Beyond that, God has spoken over our church that we are meant to be a hub and a resource center. A place from which people are trained up and sent out. We have dreams for food distribution, community outreach, discipleship, church planting and so much more. All of this requires a space. Not a fancy space or an elaborate space, but four strong walls and a roof that will house ministry and discipleship for generations to come!

  • Why am I being asked to participate in a Stewardship Vgroup?

    Building for Generations is a UNIFIED effort! God has called us as a church body, not as individuals, to take this journey of giving and growing. The purpose of these stewardship groups is not only to teach us about stewardship and generosity but also to unify us as a church family. Our desire is to collectively respond to the call of God and to grow and give together as we step forward into all that God has in store. We don’t want anyone to miss out on this amazing opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in, through, and around us at Victory. These groups are a vital part of bringing us all together for this upcoming campaign.

  • What does the Bible say about sacrificial giving?

    The book of 2 Samuel quotes King David as saying, “I will not present burnt offerings to the Lord my God that have cost me nothing.” The essence of sacrifice is that it COSTS us something. THis type of giving is pleasing to God, because it demonstrates our reliance and faith in Him, and that is when big things begin to happen. Mary broke the alabaster jar of perfume upon Jesus that was worth one year’s wages. Jesus commended the widow who gave her last two coins. When Zacchaeus said he was giving half of all he owned, and repaying those he had defrauded, Jesus said, “Salvation has come to this household.”

  • How much are we trying to raise?

    We strongly believe that when God gives a vision, He also gives the provision. We are confident that as we collectively step out in faith and generosity, God will meet us and Victory Church will raise $3 million over the next 3 years. As a stretch goal, we are believing to raise over $4 million to fully fund the project.

  • How will I know how much to give?

    Pray daily and allow God to open your heart and direct you about your commitment. “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you” (Deuteronomy 16:17).

  • Will God help me meet a commitment that right now seems beyond my means?

    Yes, just as surely as God has promised to help us in any other area of life. Our hope is that everyone will seek God’s will and leading and then trust Him to fulfill the commitment.

  • Can we make a family commitment?


  • When will we make our commitments?

    We made our first gifts on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 - with the fulfillment of our pledge starting the following month.

    If you’re new to Building for Generations, you can jump in at any time! Just fill out a pledge card at Vhub, and place it in the black offering boxes located in the Sanctuary.

  • What amount should I give on Commitment Sunday?

    The amount you give as your first gift on commitment Sunday is entirely up to you. It is something to pray about and trust God in. Some people may break up their pledge into 36 monthly gifts and choose to give the first month's installment of their pledge on that day. Others may break their pledge into weekly gifts and give their first weekly gift. Others may choose to give their entire gift or a larger portion of their gift on Commitment Sunday. The focus is not on how much you give on one particular day but on how the Lord is leading you to give over the next 3 years during this Building for Generations Campaign.

  • How long will my pledge commitment last?

    It is a continuing program over three years, beginning April 2023. New members during the next three years will also be given an opportunity to contribute.

  • Why do I need to make a 3 year commitment?

    Not only can making a commitment be an act of discipleship, but it is also a helpful tool for the church to ensure responsible financial planning. Setting an intention for giving over the next three years and sharing that intention with the church allows us to make informed decisions as we plan to build. More importantly, it demonstrates that you are all in with God using your life and resources to bring people to Jesus.

  • Will I have a chance to revise my commitment?

    Certainly! At any time during the campaign. You can always reach out to Zac Bauer about your commitment here.

  • Will I be asked to commit publicly?

    No, nor will your personal commitment be announced.

  • How do we make our gifts?

    All of our regular giving methods will be made available for the campaign, including envelopes for cash and checks and online giving through Pushpay. Setting your gift on autopay through Pushpay is a great idea to stay on track with your pledge.

  • Can I give toward my commitment once a year or on some other schedule?

    Yes. Some people prefer to give once a year or once a month, but many find it easier to keep up paycheck by paycheck, whatever that interval is.

  • Why can’t this financing be done through regular budget procedures without a special campaign?

    The established budget is for ongoing day-to-day ministry and commitments of the church. We are meeting that budget, but the expenses associated with fulfilling the vision God has given us as a church for these next 3 years (Building for Generations) will be over and above the regular budget.

  • With the state of the economy, is this really the best time to build?

    After extended prayer, assessment of our current situation, professional and spiritual counsel, and unanimous support from the congregation, we believe that it is God’s will to move forward with our plans for expansion. Though the economy has taken a turn for the worse, we press on trusting not in man but in the Lord’s provision. As we often see in the Bible, God delights to work in situations when His hand is more evident and His people more dependent (Jud. 7:2; 1 Sam. 14:6; Zech. 4:6; 1 Cor. 1:27-29). We believe God’s plans will never lack God’s supply (Phil. 4:19).

  • How much will the total project cost?

    We are in the process of thoroughly researching church designs and determining all of our needs. We will soon be hiring an architect and making more detailed plans for our building which will give us a clearer idea of costs. We anticipate that the estimated cost for the entire project, including the purchase of the land, is $7,000,000.

  • When do we hope to build?

    There are many steps to the approval process, but our hope and prayer is to break ground in 2024!

  • How much am I expected to give?

    How much you give is a decision between you and the Lord, and can only be determined after much prayer. We understand that different people will be giving different amounts based on what they have received from God (1 Cor. 16:2), but all of us are able to make equal sacrifices (see 2 Samuel 24:24).

    We have already experienced both the faithfulness of God and of our church body through our 35 years of ministry and our massive building project that took place 23 years ago. We already know that we are a part of a church family that joyously gives themselves to the Lord (2 Cor. 8:5) and then joyously supports the Lord’s work (2 Cor. 9:7), understanding that all we have ultimately belongs to Him and that we are merely faithful stewards of His resources.

  • Can assets other than cash be contributed?

    Yes. Gifts in the form of investment securities, real estate, jewelry, or other assets are often committed in a campaign like ours. In fact, you may benefit from favorable tax treatment for the contribution of appreciable assets. Check with your tax consultant regarding your specific situation regarding non-cash gifts.

  • What is the biblical basis for raising money this way?

    While there are many opportunities available for “fundraising,” the amount we need will only come if we unify as a church and give from a sacrificial heart. Examples of raising money found in the Bible are not based on gimmicks or slick sales techniques. The need is presented, and then God moves the hearts of His people to respond in a sincere desire to please Him. For example, when money was needed to build the Tabernacle, God’s people rose to the occasion and eventually needed to be “restrained from bringing any more” (Ex. 36:6) because of the surplus. Among the poor churches of Macedonia, “the grace of God” (2 Cor. 8:1) resulted in an “abundance of joy” so that “their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality” so much that these believers “begged” and “urged” to participate in the giving (2 Cor. 8:4).

  • Is giving to other charities the same as giving to the church?

    As followers of Jesus, God calls us to give first to His church for the work of the body of Christ. At Victory, we know firsthand that God changes people through His church - we regularly hear stories of transformation. Giving to charities or other specific causes will absolutely help people in need; however, the gospel of Jesus transforms the heart forever and causes an amazing practical change in this life right now. When you give to the church, you are investing in people who will be transformed and will, in turn, transform our world.

    We are convinced that the local church truly is the hope of the world, and if you have not already, we would love for you to make Victory Church your home and join us in Building for Generations. If you are ready for it, this is the perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground!

  • What should I do now?

    We are leaning heavily on the Holy Spirit to guide our entire church body through the days ahead. We ask that you: 1) Pray, “God, what do You want to do through me and my family?” 2) Position yourself to be available and willing to do what God asks you to commit to in sacrificial generosity over the next three years. 3) Fill out a Commitment Card in obedience to what God tells you to do! While you may have to wrestle with the challenge to trust God, rearrange your priorities for a season, or maybe even commit like the Macedonians did “as they were able and even beyond their ability” by faith, you should feel no pressure, stress, manipulation, coercion or worry throughout this journey. God will be faithful to you and to our church body.

At Victory one of our core values is to fiercely protect unity.  We strive to communicate clearly and be transparent in all of our efforts so that we can all be on the same page and working together in unity as we respond to God’s call and purposes for our church family.

These FAQs help accomplish our efforts for unity and serve as an effective way to communicate information to everyone at Victory in a way that one-on-one or after-service conversations can’t accomplish.  You can submit any additional questions to: info@ourvictory.org.